This is likely how you found this web site to begin with, so I will make it very clear. Stop talking to her Or Tell her how you really feel and watch what happens. 9/10 she will want to keep you around, she wants you to keep looking after her, keep listening to her sob stories while simultanesously sleeping with the Voronezh guys she says he despises. It is a complete waste of time pursuing the friendship; successful relationships are built upon shared objectives and mutual feelings. You simply cannot get this from a girl that does not like you back. However, all is not lost. It's possible that she DOES have attraction for you, but you're not realizing it, or maybe you just need a way to structure your moves to a succesful conclusion. (You know what I mean..) Several subscribers have told me that I should link you to this ebook on how to escape the friend zone. I've bought it, used its' methods in the past and can verify its' authenticity.